Problems and challenges
Not enough leads
The existing website was not sufficient to support the company’s sales efforts. The new version needed to present Weilandt-Elektronik’s product range in such a way that acquiring leads would be easier.
Design CTAs throughout the site
Once customers were comfortable navigating the site, the call to action was to allow them to send inquiries from multiple locations on the new Web site.
Illegible range of equipment and services
Presenting the many devices on offer requires clear and readable visualization. Without this, selling even the best of them will be difficult. Users on the new site had to find information on specific items from the company’s range easily and intuitively.
Our solutions
The most important goal during the design of the Weilandt-Elektronik website was to focus as much as possible on website usability and functionality.
Bardzo ważne było rozpoczęcie projektu od opracowania struktury strony, która ułatwi odbiorcom nawigowanie i tym samym zapewni im najlepsze doświadczenia w czasie korzystania z witryny.
Taka kolejność działań sprawia, że strona ma szansę stać się skutecznym kanałem sprzedażowym.
Site mock-up as a good plan
We began our design work by creating a map and a mockup of the site. A website mockup is a pictorial representation of the design concept of the new WWW. In this way, we proposed the logic and structure of the skeleton of the site with graphical solutions. With the help of a mock-up, we showed a simulation of the site’s appearance and planned what functionalities would be included in each subpage.
We placed the elements on the page and indicated the content of the sections, along with the preliminary design of each section. We always design the mockup in black and white colors, because we want to focus as much as possible on the informational content of all elements of the site. Mock-up is also the stage of anticipating and laying out the user’s path.
Here we also focused on combining the client’s requirements with user preferences. The whole thing presented a clear plan for the design of the graphic layout, which was later to be implemented by the client.
Design an attractive visualization of the website
After the mock-up stage, we moved on to creating the graphic layout. At this point, we filled the developed mock-up with life – we added colors in line with the company’s identity, selected appropriate photos and created graphics and animations.
Na koniec zajmujemy się doprecyzowaniem animowanych elementów, np. efektów hover.
Presentation of equipment offerings in a modern and clear manner
In order to present a wide range of products, we decided to design a dedicated tab on the model of e-commerce.
Użytkownicy mogą przeglądać produkty, poznać specyfikację każdego urządzenia, po czym dodawać wybrane do koszyka.
Klientowi bardziej zależy na sprzedaży hurtowej oraz pozostałych usługach, dlatego zamiast bezpośredniej sprzedaży przez witrynę, strona umożliwia zamówienie indywidualnej oferty na wskazane produkty.
Other points of the offer have been given a new layout, which are clear and make it easier to get the most important information about services, service packages, cooperation models and other information.
Effective CTAs on a new website
By having a path that users would follow, it was easier to design an effective CTA. The call to action was to allow users to send inquiries from multiple places on the new website. When adding the targeted content, we focused on the CTA, already matching it directly to the text created earlier, and styled it so that it would catch the eye and encourage clicks.
Weilandt-Elektronik received a website design from us that met their requirements: presented their extensive range of devices in a clear way, made it easy for potential customers to navigate the site, and had a designed CTA to attract users’ attention. This combination is likely to meet the business goals set before this project, which our client is currently testing after implementing their new website.
Plan your marketing!
Looking for an idea for your company’s marketing campaign? Do you want to acquire quality B2B leads? During a brief, free consultation, we’ll talk about your existing marketing efforts and discuss solutions that can bring results to your business. If you come to the conclusion that they make sense, we will help you implement them.