Content marketing - AdWise

Content marketing B2B

We create high impact content. The kind that both increases your website’s search engine visibility and generates valuable leads.

Share the knowledge that your potential customers are looking for. As a result, they start to treat you as an expert and are more likely to work with your company. That’s the main goal of content marketing.

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Do you think content marketing is not profitable for a B2B company?

Then imagine a startup owner who wants to buy a CRM system.

They start the purchasing process by typing in the Google search box: What is the best CRM for a software house? They receive an answer in the form of a ranking with ratings of the top systems.

Their attention is caught by a particular CRM that has all the features they need. They ask another, even more specific question. Looking for the answer, they click the blog article they saw first in the search results. Finally, equipped with all the necessary information, they make a decision.

Now they type in the question: Where to buy a so-and-so CRM system. And so they reach the supplier’s website, which caught their attention at the very beginning. On the website, the start-up owner starts chatting with a consultant and the sales process begins.

According to a study by the Instytut Rozwoju Sprzedaży i Marketingu (Institute for Sales and Marketing Development) as many as 30% of B2B customers start gaining knowledge about their own problem or challenge just from Google. Therefore, the results of searches for given keywords influence the next steps in the process until the final purchase decision. This is how a well-designed B2B content marketing strategy works. Unfortunately, copywriters rarely know how to fit their content into the stages of the marketing funnel. And because of this, their articles have no impact on conversions.

How do we create content marketing?

At AdWise, we create both educational content and sales content, which we place in the right stages of the marketing funnel. We combine content with B2B sales expertise and SEO optimisation.

We start with an analysis of our client’s buyer persona, which determines who our communications will be targeted to. We look at the buying process and identify the problems and challenges of the content marketing audience.

While building a marketing funnel, we also create a content marketing strategy that is an integral part of it. This ensures that content marketing is part of a company’s overall marketing strategy – not an isolated element of it. In this way, we design long-term strategies that generate traffic, increase audience trust and realistically support B2B sales.

The marketing consultant, during a workshop with the client, designs what type of content marketing to use in a particular stage of the marketing funnel, determines its purpose, CTA and other details. Then, as AdWise, we implement the various elements, ensuring that the content marketing strategy delivers educational value to the potential customer, encourages them to finalize the purchase process and takes care of the company’s image.

How do we write content for B2B?

There’s plenty of blogs on the Internet – which no one reads, podcasts – which no one listens to, videos – which no one watches. That’s why creating interesting content in content marketing requires integrating it into your B2B marketing strategy in such a way that it brings the expected results.

Learn about our process for creating content marketing activities that accomplish specific goals in your potential customer’s buying process.

Watch the video and learn more about how to
create an engaging content marketing.


We start with analysis

We examine your potential customers in detail. We examine how they buy, what motivates them and what objections they have.

Based on this, we search for the words and phrases that your customers use during the purchasing process. We then collate all the collected information into a marketing funnel design.

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We make sure that from the beginning content marketing serves as a tool to achieve the goals of the marketing strategy of the entire company.

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Here we often recommend optimizing existing texts for search engines, which positively affects the positioning of the website.


We check your content

We analyse the content you already have on your website or blog. We verify whether it is in line with the purpose of your content strategy. Whenever possible, we try to use existing content and position it appropriately in the marketing funnel.


We create valuable content

We write educational and sales content tailored to your marketing strategy to build relationships with potential customers.

We take care of, for example, posts for the company’s blog, social media and external media publications, YouTube channel management, or support in organizing webinars.

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Content marketing offers many opportunities. That’s why we support our clients in choosing the distribution channels that will most impact user engagement at specific stages of the buying process.

Want to create effective and engaging B2B content marketing?

Want to create effective and engaging B2B content marketing?

What do you gain by ordering content marketing activities from AdWise?

Your content is in line with your marketing strategy

You receive articles tailored to the stages of the marketing funnel.

You respond to the needs of potential customers

You provide the detailed information that customers are looking for on Google and that they need to make a purchasing decision.

You build up the image of an expert in your field

As you share your knowledge, recipients of content marketing start to trust you more.

Your company becomes more recognisable

Quality publications help build brand awareness.

You increase the visibility of your website

The website content we create is well-optimized, so your business gets a higher ranking in Google’s organic search results.

You develop closer relationships with potential customers

You can engage in a dialogue with recipients and respond to their concerns on an ongoing basis.

You invest in effective content marketing

Each month, you receive a detailed report on the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy.

Publications are tailored to recipients who buy on behalf of companies

Depending on your target audience, we create other content formats, including expert articles, reviews, rankings, e-books, case studies, presentations and press reviews.

See our most successful content marketing for business clients

Check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions

What does the price of a content marketing strategy depend on?

There are many elements to a content marketing strategy: these can include blog articles, maintaining social media channels, newsletter content, lead magnets, video and many other forms. Other factors are the intensity of use of the various forms and their optimization (for example, for Google search positioning).

After how long will the effects of content marketing be visible?

We measure the effects of content marketing primarily in terms of the performance of the entire marketing funnel. We don’t guarantee organic results – that depends on a number of factors – but we focus on ensuring that content marketing is meeting goals in terms of the overall marketing strategy, and we constantly verify that we are moving content in the right direction.

Do I need someone to pass on the know-how of the industry?

We know from experience that the more we partner with a client, the higher the quality of content in content marketing. Combining the client’s knowledge of their industry with our marketing experience, we create dedicated and tailored content. We always consult on content before publication, and the more expert input from the client – the greater the chance of final sales!

Do you create content video marketing?

If video marketing is included in the marketing funnel, we have the resources to properly design scenarios, coordinate the work of multiple professionals and administer video channels. We run Wise Business School’s YouTube channel ourselves.

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